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Things that make me go "Hmmmmmmm..." Marketing, Internet Marketing, and Us

Things that make me go "Hmmmmmmm..." Leah Blog


Google "talks blocked" *snicker* by Yahoo?

I've mention the potential purchase of AOL by Google or maybe MSN recently and I found this article today rather interesting.

I'm going to not be intellectually lazy and actually get around to finding the actual figures regarding what AOL is today for you (well, I'll probably do it Wednesday, so take that "today" to mean "in the Internet world at this time" please) and what it really means to the various Engines vying for it's affections..

(If I can't find an article that has kindly done that to my liking that is. Meaning, of course, I'm going to search for articles about it using a search engine, link it here, and probably be done with it..)

Next, I'm going to go into the whole "AOL" thing from an online geek's point of view and I'm going to go into what "AOL Users" mean to us on a more personal, pointless, and snobby level.

I'm sure you're just quivering in anticipation here.
Now now, I mean it!
Stop that drooling there!!

(Or are your eyes just glazed over in boredom? It's a little hard to tell..)

But I think I'll have a point.

And one of those points will be about the snobbery and preconceived notions of people experienced with the internet (who are quite often the people developing mid-sized information and e-commerce sites), their prejudices, and how that can harm the chances of success of the website they are developing.


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